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Angels Shade Page 18

  Bennett staggers back, gazing up at Beth’s body. Blood drips from her arms as the sigil of Michael appears on her skin. I snatch the bottle off Kylie and down it. The bitter taste travels down my throat, as my blurry vision remains on Beth.

  Chapter Twenty Six: For Love


  I’m so cold, even the fog of my breath creates a cloud which is hard to see through. I’m in the gym, but not in the gym. I’m inside my own head again; sleep paralysis. And of all the places to flake-out, I’ve done it at the homecoming dance. I bet that in the land of the living, there’s a huge crowd gathered around my stiff body, laughing at me. I’ll be all over social frigging media. I’ll be remembered for all time, as the mannequin dribbling girl.

  I waft the mist from my face, taking one small step at a time toward the dancefloor, looking for my body so I can try and get back into it. There’s no music, no lights, no sign of life. The stage still remains, but all the tables and chairs have gone. All the color has gone. The only thing that is here with me is this sound. It’s a distant sound, not of the cloaked figure I usually see, but a deep voice.

  My feet move through the icy air as I pinch my forearm repeatedly with my thumb and fingernail. I’m nipping my skin so hard to try and wake myself up, it hurts. Even if I have to draw blood, I’ll do it.

  The last thing I remember was Marcus holding me. He was acting so weird; over caring in an aggressive way. He was scaring me, and his voice made me do as he asked against my will. I was hypnotized by him. For a brief second, the thought creeps into my mind that maybe he roofied me. But no, Marcus wouldn’t do such a terrible thing to anyone.

  I make it to the center of the dancefloor. I’m too scared to call out. If I encourage the cloaked figure in my imagination to make an appearance, then god knows how my comatose body will react on the other side.

  I close my eyes and begin to count backward from one hundred. I’ve never done this before, counting backward, and I’m not sure why I’m doing it. It must be another coping mechanism, like nipping at my skin.

  “Beth,” a strange voice calls out my name.

  I’m reluctant to look. I’m always alone with the cloaked figure, and he’s never spoken to me. My knees bob as I take in a breath to steady my erratic pulse. I keep my eyes closed and continue to count backward, ignoring this new figment of my screwed-up imagination.


  I gasp and stagger forward a step as the voice cools my earlobe. Whatever or whoever it is, is right behind me, running what feels like fingers down my arms.

  “Don’t be afraid. You know me. Turn around and look at my face.”

  I shuffle my feet around, keeping my eyes closed. Fingers touch my chin and lift my face. I blink open my eyes to see a face that does look familiar, but my brain can’t connect the dots. He’s my age. Tall and strong looking. He has dark hair and his features are solid, yet welcoming. And his eyes are a shimmery copper.

  “Who are you?” I pluck up the courage to ask.

  “Since the beginning of time, I have waited for this. And here you are, my salvation,” he says, his fingertips running up my face. “All the years you suffered in the dark can be ended, Beth.”

  “Who are you?” I ask again.

  “Remember me,” he says, resting the palm of his hand against my face.

  I close my eyes as I’m shown the image of the boy who stands before me. He caught me in gym class. He took me for coffee at this cute little hut. And he made love to me in my bedroom. Three visions. Three visions of Tristen I lost. I think I remember him. I think I love him.

  I open my eyes to gaze up at him. I don’t know whether to wrap my arms around him, kiss him, or be grateful he’s here with me, even in this strange dream.

  “Why can’t I remember you?” I ask.

  “You have been ill,” he says. “If you want everything back, you have to save me.”

  “Save you from what?”

  “I’m trapped, and you need to open something for me,” he says, his eyes moving to the stage. “Come with me.” He takes my hand and begins to guide me up the stage stairs.

  I turn on the stage to face the foggy empty gym. Panting for breath, Tristen’s body pushes up behind mine. I see his misty breath float over my shoulder, as he brings my arms out before my body. A deep rumble begins to shudder the stage beneath my feet, and I panic.

  “It’s okay Beth, you are safe. Look.”

  My forearms begin to burn and a bright white light shines from my skin. Symbols begin to appear down my arms. Tristen has me locked in his hold, as our bodies’ tremor together to stay steady. I cry out as a pain grips hold of my muscles. A pain so intense, I want to die.

  “Please… please, help me!” I sob.

  “Just a moment longer, Beth.”

  My eyes close and I see nothing but shadows whizzing around on the inside of my eyelids. I can’t breathe through the heavy pressure on my chest. There’s a burning sensation spreading from my back to my breast, and my ribs throb.

  “GET OFF HER!” Tristen’s voice howls out.

  I open my eyes to see Tristen racing across the gym. My lungs inflate in and out with fear. If Tristen is running toward me, who the hell is at my back, holding me?

  My head gradually turns. My eyes widen, noticing what is holding me are not hands, but fabric; sharp icy fabric. My eyes elevate up over my shoulder, to see the creature that has haunted me for years. Its waxy gray skin warps as it smiles at me. I struggle against it, but the freak just laughs.

  “Well, is this all that Michael has to throw at me? He offers me the key, and gives me the ability to see everything through my little prodigy, Tristen, here on earth.”

  “Take me Apollyon. I can open the tear and let you out,” Tristen yells desperately, watching me squirm. “You can even have my body.”

  Tears flow down my face. I’m beginning to remember why I’m here. I’m here because I saw my little brother die. I’m here to seal the tear. I now remember Michael, the archangel, my dad. I know Tristen is a Sentinel, and I remember how much I love him. The emotions flood through my soul. He came to save me, but I’m the one who is supposed to be saving him.

  “When I stepped out onto this earth all those years ago, I would have took you up on your offer, Tristen. They were desperate times for the Shade,” Apollyon says. “But now we can all be free of god’s sanctimonious pigeon holes. God cannot use me, then lock me away for a millennium. Before you apes walked the earth, we were his children. We brought the dark, but that wasn’t good enough for him. He wanted light, and created hell for us. Well, it is our time, see.”

  The dancefloor fractures and begins to split apart. Tristen rolls across the floor to avoid being swallowed up. I scream out to him as the symbols on my arms glow brighter, and I can feel something in my hand. Weeping, I lift up my arm to see Michael’s blade, with a glimmering blue razor sharp edge. A force spreads through the handle, into my fingertips, and through my body.

  I watch the dark shadows clawing their way out of the pit, which is opening up the entire floor.

  “Hurry children,” Apollyon calls out in a twisted tone.

  My eyes close and I ask for help. A great flash of energy ejects from my body, and propels Apollyon away from me. I feel light, free, as a peace and complete understanding takes over. Only I can seal the tear, and I know how I must do it.

  I begin to slowly walk down the steps. My feet stop only an inch from the darkness. Apollyon comes for me, but Tristen flies through the air, and knocks him to the other side of the gym with his powerful wings.

  I close my eyes ready to fall, when Tristen lands with a thud at my side.



  I grab and grip Beth’s glowing body, and turn her to face me. She’s not going to do this. I won’t fuckin let her. My pleading eyes gaze at her, as her fingers come up to rest on my face. I blink to stop a tear, and as I re-open, I see the striking radiant impression of wings behind her. I take in her mighty bea
uty, as they fade away, just like Michaels.

  “You have to let me go,” she says, calmly.


  I press my fingers against her cheeks, with my head on hers. I can feel the Shade clutching my boot, trying to drag me down. The touch of evil is spreading through me.

  “You see, they’ll never let you go.” A teardrop falls over her eyelash. “I have to do this.”

  Our silent emotional bubble is burst as Apollyon grabs Beth’s arm, and yanks her away from me. I fight to free my foot from the grip of the Shade, but I can’t, it’s beginning to claw into me.

  I hiss and growl, shaking my leg, watching as Beth stares up to Apollyon. She smiles at him, and raises her fingers to touch his fugly face. The gym walls begin to crack, and plaster falls from the ceiling. I cover my eyes as a blinding flash fills the room. Beth’s light thrusts Apollyon through the air, and he falls into hell.

  Beth lowers her head, with the blade down by her side. She slowly makes her way back to the edge of the tear. I grunt and yank at my knee, trying to gain some movement as she gets ready to jump, only a foot away from me. My wings flick out and I’m able to move, just enough to snatch the sword from her.

  “I love you, Beth. And my responsibility was always to protect you, even in the end.”

  I shut my eyes and allow the Shade to take me, knowing this is where I truly belong. I fall down into the pit, surrounded by shadow, watching the light of my heart fade away.



  I drop down hard, hitting and punching the floor. It’s gone. It’s all gone. It was meant to be me.

  “Tristen… Tristen!” I scream out.

  This cannot be happening. Michael promised me Tristen would be safe. He gave me his word. I feel nothing inside me anymore. I felt that angel power, but now it’s all gone. The Shade has gone. Apollyon is back in hell. And Tristen has just sacrificed himself for me. I should be dead, me, me, me!

  I sob and curl up onto my side, planting my face in my hands. I’m so dizzy and weak, my mind and body unable to accept he’s gone.


  I hear a beep-beep-beep and talking. Like I’ve been breathing in water, my body shoots upright, gasping for air as I open my eyes. I’m in a hospital bed. I have drips attached to my arms, machines wired up to me, and I’m wearing a blue gown.

  I frantically begin to yank at the wires on my arms, so blood spurts all over the white sheets. I have to get back to the gym. If I have to, I’ll dig Tristen up with my bare hands.

  “Honey-honey-honey.” Mom rushes up to me and takes hold of my shoulders.

  “You need to calm down, Beth.” I frown as Bennett comes to stand next to my mom.

  “Bennett, Tristen, he threw himself into hell,” I utter, breathlessly. “We need to get him back.”

  Mom peers with a scowl at Bennett, as a nurse closes off the cap stuck to my arm to stop the bleeding. I swing out my hand and push the nurse away.

  “Get the fuck off me,” I yell, hurting my throat. “Bennett, Tristen, we have to save him!”

  “This is probably a side-effect from being in a coma for so long,” Bennett ignores me and explains to my mom instead.

  “A coma!” I yell.

  “Honey,” Mom coaxes me to look at her. “You were in a car crash with Kim. You’ve been in a coma for eight weeks now.”

  “Nah… no way!”

  I shrug off Mom’s hold and try to stand up from the bed, but my legs are weak and I fall back onto the mattress.

  “This is not happening…Bennett,” I shout. “You know don’t you. You must have had your mind wiped by Michael. Please remember.”

  Mom starts to cry, but I don’t care. This is all just one big illusion. I remember everything, so I know Bennett does. He has Kylie’s stupid potion to stop mind wiping.

  “Why are you doing this Bennett?”

  “Beth, you are recovering from a massive head trauma,” Bennett says, as I shake my head. “It will bring on some reality issues for some time. But you’re awake now, which really is a blessing.”

  “Bullshit!” I try again to get off the bed, but fail.

  I cover my face and fall back onto the mattress, crying. Maybe I’m dreaming. I bring my hands down to my waist as I sit up. Growling, I begin to nip at my forearm until I draw blood. Mom’s hand shoots out to stop me. She grabs my torso and pulls me into her body.

  “Please stop this Beth.” She blubbers on my shoulder.

  My hands drop onto the mattress and I allow her to hold me. “Mom, it was all true, I swear it was. You have to believe me.”

  She runs her hand down my hair, then leans back to look directly at me.

  “The only thing that matters right now, is that you’re back, Beth,” she says with imploring eyes. “Just rest and calm down.”

  I feel a pinch on my bicep. I flick my head sideways to see Bennett backing away from the bed, with a syringe in his hand.

  “What did you just inject me with?”

  “It’s just a mild sedative to help you relax,” he says, dropping the needle into a yellow bin.

  I begin to feel woozy and heavy. I clutch my mom’s hand tight.

  “Don’t let me fall asleep,” I plead.

  She guides my body down so my head lands on the pillows behind me.

  “I’ll be right here sweetie. I’m not going to leave your side,” her gentle voice fades away.

  Chapter Twenty Seven: Delivered


  I’m back in heaven, but it feels more like my hell. The bizarre bright skyscraper in the sky. I’m either dreaming for real, or I am actually dead. My soul has been shoved around enough, and I’m damn furious.

  I look right to the very end of the large light empty space, and see the doorway that leads to Michael. He told me I’d be joining his side, but for me that is no longer feasible. I hate him. He lied to me about everything. He took Tristen away, made promises his soul would be saved, and left me in that hospital bed, to be labeled insane. He’s not an angel, he’s evil.


  I jump a step forward and spin to find Michael smiling at me. Why’s he smiling? He’s happy that I’m unhappy. He’s happy Tristen has gone. He’s happy that he’s turned my world upside-down and dropped me into a pile of crap.

  I swing out my arm and go to slap him across the face, but my hand stops inches from his cheek. I push hard, but he’s protected by some kind of force field.

  “GOD!” I thrust my arm down by my side.

  “Bethany, walk with me,” he says, holding out his hand, but I refuse to touch him.

  “Bring Tristen back to me.”

  “That isn’t possible.”

  “So you’re just going to leave him to rot!”

  “Walk…with…me.” His low stern voice causes me to shudder.

  His eyes are fixed on mine. He demands I do as he asks. But I still have some fight left in me. What’s he going to do anyway; smite me where I stand?

  “Why make me do all that?” I ask. “For Tristen to suffer.”

  “Tristen did not suffer, nor will you,” he says as he begins to walk toward his door. “All will become clear.”

  I don’t really have a choice. I need to know everything. Michael thinks this is one big game, but life’s not something you can toy with. Calling him an asshole under my breath, I follow him to the door.

  As soon as my foot steps through the doorway, I’m hit by the freshest air I’ve ever inhaled. It’s clean, cool, and pure. My mouth widens as my eyes excite, at a garden full of colorful exotic flowers and plants. Some trailing and twisting up the white pillars, which hold up the domed glass ceiling. It’s a vast indoor garden in the clouds, and I’m awestruck.

  “You’re very privileged to be allowed in here. This is all his handy work,” Michael says.

  My gawping eyes flick onto him, as his shiny leather shoes clop down an avenue of pastel colored flowers.

  “God?” I finally manage to force the word out.
  “Yes, though you won’t see him, no one does.” He sits down on a cream garden bench, crossing his legs.

  My eyes move back onto the plants, and stop when I see something very peculiar. It’s a huge red flower and it’s moving. I frown, angling closer when the petals flick out and startle me.

  “Shit,” I say in a gasp.

  “That’s new. He calls it: Finger Une Fleur. No doubt man will find a better name for it,” Michael says as I watch the finger like petals drop back into a bud.

  Okay, this is all fantastic and all, but I’m here for a reason. First, he obviously brought me here for something. And secondly, I’m still angry and need to know why he used me. Why I’m here and Tristen isn’t. I spin on the spot and march toward him.

  “Why am I here?” I ask.

  “I want no ill feelings before I set you free.”

  “Set me free?” I scowl.

  “Yes.” He pats the bench, wanting me to sit beside him.

  “I’ll stand, thanks.”

  “It was always meant to be Tristen that would seal the tear,” he explains, resting his arm across the backrest. “Your enlightenment was the only way to open up hell, just enough so Tristen could fulfill the prophecy.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that?” I yell at him. “Angels aren’t supposed to lie. It’s a sin, isn’t it?”

  “I didn’t lie to you. I just didn’t tell you everything.”

  “It’s the same as lying.” I circle my eyes.

  “Why do you think the Shade came to you?” he asks with annoyance in his tone. “Because Tristen was here. He was always connected to you. He was born possessed by one of the most destructive demons there is, and a part of that darkness clung to him. Even though he never knew it, Apollyon was still attached to his soul. Two sacrifices had to be made. You had to choose to sacrifice your love for Tristen, to save your brother and man, by enlightening. And he had to give up that dark part of his soul for your love. He had to fall and take Apollyon and the Shade with him,” he explains calmly, as my heart pounds, because I now know I’ll never see Tristen again. “If I told you Tristen would have to die, would you have still accepted your fate?”