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- White, L. C
Angels Shade Page 17
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Page 17
“Girls,” Mom yells up the stairs. “Your dates are here.”
“Shit,” I gasp out.
Kim rushes over to my bed, picks up her bag, and eagerly makes her way to the stairs. I hang back for a moment, sucking in a few big breaths.
“You can do this,” I whisper to myself.
I make my way slowly down the stairs and Marcus comes in to view, waiting for me at the bottom. He looks handsome in his navy fitted suit, with a cream tie to match my dress.
“Wow Beth,” he says, eyeing me up and down. “The first time I’ve seen you in a dress. You look… you look great.” He feels awkward, I can tell.
“Yeah, and it will be the last time.” I smile at him as I step off the bottom stair.
Kim and Luke are huddled together chatting, and Mom is fiddling with her camera behind them. Kim reaches up to alter Luke’s red tie, as Marcus coughs for attention. Mom peers up and sighs out, looking at me.
“You all look great,” she says, emotionally. “Photo time.” She holds up the camera.
I look up to Marcus, circling my eyes. He smiles at me and threads his arm through mine. I’m taken aback by his touch, and my arm twitches against him.
“Beth?” He cocks his brow on me.
“Sorry,” I say in a breath, keeping my arm in his.
Kim and Luke have their picture taken first, and pose like professionals. Now I’m standing with Marcus, arm in arm, flushing and shuffling my feet. I swallow down and look up, forcing my mouth muscles to smile.
“Say cheese.” Mom clicks and the camera flashes.
She looks down at the screen grinning, releasing one of those proud parent breaths.
Luke and Kim walk through the front door and wait on the porch outside. Mom takes hold and squeezes me. I don’t know why, but my eyes coat with tears I have to fight to keep inside. I hug her back, closing my eyes, then move away from her before I begin to blubber.
“Be good. Have fun. And… and soak it all up honey,” Mom says with teary eyes. “You’re all grown up now.”
I walk with Marcus out into the warm spring night, but stop when I see the transport that’s going to be taking us to school. A frigging black limo. I glare at Marcus to see his shoulders shrug.
“You’re kidding me right,” I say, listening to Kim squealing with delight.
“Luke’s idea,” Marcus says. “It has tinted windows, so no one will see. Unless Kim decides to start waving from the sunroof.” He chuckles.
I follow Marcus to our ride, cringing inside.
The limo pulls up into Mesa High’s carpark. The entrance at the back of school has been decked out with lights, and balloon archways. Seniors gather outside, all dressed in gowns and suits, and there are the odd ones making a statement, dressed in casual wear. They linger outside watching other seniors, to compare outfits, and the wheels they arrive in. It’s like one big competition. Who is the best dressed? Which couple will become prom king and queen? Who will be the first student to cause trouble? It’s all just one big cliché.
Marcus steps out of the limo and waits for me. I slide across the black leather seat and join him outside. I look around to see our ride is not as pompous as I thought. I see several stretched hummers and limos. I even see a horse drawn carriage.
“See, we’re probably the most understated ones here,” Marcus says, taking my arm in his.
Marcus and I walk behind Luke and Kim, through four cream balloon arches. We come to the end of the line where a professional photographer is taking pictures. Great, more fake smiles coming right up. Kim and Luke go first, then Marcus and I pose. As soon as the flash goes off, I’m walking away. I just want to find a seat somewhere in a dark corner, and remain in the background until this is all over.
My hand reaches out to the gym doors, listening to the live band playing inside. I open, and see a stage has been erected. Huge speakers are set up in each corner of the gym, blasting out music. I grumble under my breath, circling my eyes. The band on stage is none other than the folk rock band, Lost in You. Kim screams, completely ignoring Luke, and dashes onto the crowded dancefloor to get a better view.
Luke shrugs his shoulders. “I guess I’ll see you around.” He chases after a fanatical Kim.
“Drink?” Marcus leans and says into my ear, making my heart jump.
“Hmm, yeah.”
I turn around and spot a table free of bodies. It’s dark, hot, and the loud music and lights are making me feel uncomfortable. Marcus walks toward Ms. Gray, who is handing out punch and burgers being cooked on an indoor grill. I pull out a chair and sit down.
Marcus returns and places a plastic red cup of summer berry punch on the table. With a smirk he goes into his inside pocket and takes out a miniature bottle of vodka. He goes to pour some into my drink, but I quickly place my hand over the cup to stop him. I’m not feeling well. The flashing lights, shadows, and noise, are messing with my mind.
He frowns at me, not impressed. “Beth, what’s with you?”
He screws the lid back onto the small bottle, and tucks it back inside his jacket. He then reaches across the table, and unexpectedly takes hold of my hand.
“I want you to have a good time,” he says, his finger squeezing mine, hard.
He’s staring at me in an odd way; almost angry with the intent to make me feel uneasy. I try to slide my hand away from his, but he refuses to let me go.
“Dance with me,” he more or less demands.
“No Marcus!” I spontaneously snap at him, managing to yank my hand away from his.
“Come on,” he laughs. “Just let your hair down and have some fun.”
I bolt up out of my seat. Everything around me hazes for a moment and the music fades. I shake my head, feeling like the blood is rushing to my brain. I take a breath to calm myself and the music sounds loudly again. I open my eyes to see Marcus standing before me with a worried look on his face. He goes to take my arm, but I shrug away from his hand.
“Beth, you’re as white as a ghost,” he says.
“I…I just need a minute.” I smile weakly at him, then scurry out from the table.
I swiftly make my way toward the gym doors, pushing through students. It seems to be taking me forever to escape this gym, as the number of people in here swells like a rising tide. My heart beats in panic. I’m sweating, and something strange is happening to me. I need to get out of here, before I pass out.
Chapter Twenty Five: The Devil Inside
I’m trying not to think of how I look like a dick in this suit, as Kylie jogs beside my quick pace toward Mesa High. Bennett said subtle, well I think Kylie and I are going to stand out like a sore thumb. I reach up to my neck and loosen the Windsor knot on the brown tie (Mary insisted I wear) and yank it over my head, tossing it into the shrubbery. Then I flick open the top button on the white shirt.
Kylie’s hand grabs my wrist. “What are you doing?” She jumps in front of me.
“We’re not here for fun. We’re here because the world is going to shit right now,” I snap, yanking my arm away from her. “You just make sure we have a clear path.” I move her body aside and continue to stride toward the balloons.
I hear her blowing out, as the heels of her flat shoes catch up with me.
“There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the scenery on the way to battle,” she whines. “It might be the last bit of fun we have.”
I stop my stride, growling out. “Kylie!” I eyeball her, watching her lips press in disappointment. “Just… just concentrate.”
We walk through a group of students, then beneath a row of balloons as a photographer gets ready to take our photo. Kylie links up to my arm and tugs my body into hers, beaming at the lens. I pull myself away from her, and hold out my hand to the puzzled dark haired boy wearing glasses.
“No pictures.” I stride to the gym doors.
“Sorry, he got out of the wrong side of bed this morning,” Kylie
apologizes to the photographer, then hurries to my side.
I push open the doors. My ears block out the crap music and human noises. My eyes are solely focused on finding Beth.
I quickly make my way passed Ms. Gray, and squeeze through chairs that have been left abandoned in the walkway. A hand comes down on my shoulder. I turn to see Kylie waving her fingers for me to listen.
“Remember Tristen, we’re here on surveillance. You can’t tell her, unless you want to cause a scene and get kicked out of here. It might not even happen tonight.”
I shake my head down with my teeth clenched. She’s right. But I know the moment my eyes find her, I’m going to struggle restraining myself.
“We need to take a backseat, like Bennett said.” She pats my bicep in an attempt to calm me. “We need to fit in,” she adds, a smile curling her lips. “Let’s dance.” She takes my hand and starts to swing it back and forth.
“No Kylie,” I yell, pulling my hand from hers.
I breathe out, watching her face scrunch up like a toddler about to have a tantrum. This is the perfect opportunity to get her out of my way. I smile then squeeze her arm, trying to act cool.
“Tell you what. Why don’t you go and dance; enjoy yourself,” I shout over the guitar howling through the speaker behind me. “We could be here a while, so I’ll go find a seat.”
She bends her neck side to side, dubiously. “You’re trying to get rid of me. I’m not stupid.”
My eyes rise over her shoulder to see Principle Masters moving a chair out of his way, as he walks toward us with wrinkled eyes.
“Shit,” I utter down at Kylie.
Kylie looks over her shoulder, and eyeballs Masters up and down.
“You two.” He’s frowning hard, thinking. “You two don’t…”
Kylie stops him saying another word, pulling his jacket sleeve down, so she can whisper in his ear. I watch, unable to hear what she’s saying to him, but notice his face un-creasing as he nods his head. He straightens up with a huge dopy smile.
“Have fun kids.” He goes to pass us, his eyes wide on Ms. Gray.
“What did you say?” I ask.
“I give him the impression of desire.” She giggles. “Made him forget what he wanted, and gave him something that will keep him busy for some time.”
I look over to where Ms. Gray serves students, and see Masters helping her. He’s flirting with her and she seems to be enjoying it. I’ve never seen Kylie use anything like it before. Her gifts away from headquarters are much stronger. If she used such a spell in training, the old me would have reported her. But everything is changing, and if the dark arts work in our favor, then I'm all for that.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Kylie states. “You go sit down over there.” She points to an empty table against the wall. “And I’ll fetch drinks. If you find Beth, you stay away from her and wait for me.”
I’d usually tell her to piss-off, but she’s just bewitched Principle Masters with a few words. I can’t risk being cursed by her. I need full awareness tonight.
I turn and make my way to the far end of the gym, as my eyes subtly search for Beth. I go to take a seat at the empty table, but as soon as my butt hits the plastic, I spring back up. I see Marcus walking around, but I don’t see Beth with him. My body becomes fueled by heat, itching to go over there and make demands. I arch my shoulders forward, pressing my hands down on the sticky table, watching his every move. He’s looking for her, I can tell. He’s either angry or drunk, staggering between tables, aggressively pushing anyone who gets in his way.
Kylie places a plastic cup on the table, her eyes following my scowl. She turns to me, and steps into my eye-line.
“That’s Beth’s date.” I dip my head in Marcus’s direction. “Does he look odd to you?”
Kylie comes to stand at my side. “He might have took something,” she mumbles as the crowded dancefloor applaud the band.
“No, something’s wrong here,” I say, my chest swelling, ready to fight.
I was right. I watch him grab this short guy, and toss him out of his way. He’s nearly running. He’s running toward Beth. I nudge the chair out from behind me, knocking it over. Kylie grabs my arm to hold me back.
“Kylie, get the fuck off me,” I hiss down at her.
“Wait,” she warns. “This could just be some innocent fall out.”
“Innocent or not, if he lays one finger on her, I’ll rip his head off in front of all these people.”
“Tristen,” she screams at me. “That’s love talking. We are not here to rescue a human damsel in distress. We are here in case an angel needs us.”
I wheeze in and out, hanging back for a few seconds more, biting my lip hard. My eyes focus on Beth. She looks so beautiful in her prom dress, but there’s something worrying in her eyes. Her face is so pale, and her eyes flick around the room, like she’s seeing things no one else can.
My knees bend, ready to fly across the gym if need be. I watch Marcus running his hand up and down her arm, and the sight of his fingers on her is messing me up, big time. I should be where he’s standing. I should be the one protecting her… touching her.
Kylie still has hold of me as I glare furiously at Marcus, wrapping his arms around Beth. He has his body pressed up against hers, and my blood begins to curdle with rage. What I’m feeling is pure human anger.
He sways her body around in a circle, and I see her face drain of color, like she’s going to faint any second. Then I see something unhuman in Marcus. His twisted smile as he sniffs her hair, and his eyes flicker with dark evil. I didn’t know Marcus well, but I know whoever is holding Beth, isn’t him.
“It’s starting,” I yell at Kylie.
Beth tries to push her body away from Marcus, but he has her locked inside his arms.
“What do we do?” Kylie yaps.
I frantically look around the crowded room. This cannot happen in here. If some split in hell is going to appear, every student here is going to witness it. I spot the fire alarm and turn to Kylie.
“We need to empty the building. Go set off the alarm.”
“Tristen that won’t stick. They’ll figure out there’s no fire eventually,” she squeals.
“Then fuckin start one!” I charge by her and make my way toward Marcus’s back.
The ear-piercing screech of the fire alarm begins to sound, and the slight smell and haze of burning wood floats through the gym. I use my hands to push through the panicking stampede trying to escape, as the sprinklers begin to pour out icy water. I watch Marcus dragging Beth into the center of the dancefloor, as the gym empties of people.
I race and skid through the water, diving onto Marcus to thrust him away from Beth. I grip him tight, straddling his waist, banging the back of his head on the floor. The gym is now silent apart from my raging hissing grunts.
“Tristen,” I hear Bennett yell. “Tristen!”
I look up, panting, to see Bennett and Kylie running toward Beth. Her body is flailing around in a circle and her eyes are rolling into the back of her head. I release Marcus to go to her, but stop when he begins to laugh hysterically. I glare down at his contorted smirk.
“Too late,” he says in a deep raspy voice that is not his own. “I remember being inside your mother very well. You were a nice little surprise for me. My little line to earth.”
“Apollyon,” I growl, gripping his collar again.
“Correct.” He sniggers up at me. “Oh boy, you have been played by both sides haven’t you? I guess I should thank you for making me see… Aww.” He shudders creepily. “She is a wicked little angel, isn’t she?”
“Too late for that.”
He angles his head sideward to Beth. I turn to see her body floating up horizontally from the dancefloor. Her long wet hair and the skirt of her dress, sway as she rises.
“Goodbye Tristen… for now.” Marcus’s head droops back as blood falls from his burst lip.
He’s un
conscious, and Apollyon is going after Beth. I race across the dancefloor as Bennett and Kylie try to pull her body down.
“She’s losing her footing on earth,” Kylie screams. “If we can’t bring her down, she’ll be lost in the Shade, and we can’t help her.”
I take Beth’s sleeping peaceful face in my hands, but as she continues to rise up, my touch slides away from her. I jump back ripping off my shirt, squeezing my eyes tight. I shunt my left shoulder forward first, then my left, feeling the crack and bulge of my wings emerging. Bennett gawps at me as Kylie shuffles back, feeling the forceful gust of my wings. I take flight slowly; chairs and tables tipping and rolling across the floor in the downdraft. My hand reaches out to Beth’s body, and I drift to hover directly above her. She doesn’t look in pain. She’s numb to this world, and her soul is in another.
My fingers press against her cheeks. “Beth, come back,” I whisper.
She doesn’t respond. She’s gone. She is right where Michael want’s her; the end of time.
I lean and slowly coat her head with a kiss. The only way to stop this is to go after her. I have to enter her nightmare like I did in her bedroom that night, when all this began.
I glide to the side of Beth’s body and retract my wings, landing with a thud in a pool of water.
“I need to go inside again,” I bark at Kylie, impatiently.
“You know the risks,” she says.
I know going to the borders of hell through Beth, could result in me being stuck there. I know that every second spent there, the more the dark will cling to me.
“But you’re not going to listen are you?” Kylie sighs.
Bennett steps forward and grabs my shoulders to pull me in for a man-hug.
“You bring her back,” he says.
Kylie holds out a small silver metal flask. It’s a sedative with special herbs in it, which links me to Beth, and brings on astral projection. I’ve only taken it once before, and it wasn’t easy to come back from that. I saw things that the human eye could never return from. But I’m not fully human, and I fought my way back.